Seguridad Verificada de Clase Empresarial
Our customers care deeply about security and so do we. Nextcloud aligns with industry standards such as Clause 14 of ISO/IEC27001-2013 and related standards, guidance and security principles. Our solution is built around combined assurance layers consisting of rich security features, applied best practices governed by policy and the design itself validated by industry standard testing processes.
Registro y control
Conservación de datos
Control de acceso a los archivos
Cifrado de varios niveles
Nextcloud es compatible con su solución de almacenamiento existente, manteniendo los datos bajo el control de administradores de TI de confianza y gestionados con políticas establecidas. Nextcloud funciona con bases de datos SQL estándar del sector como PostgreSQL, MySQL y MariaDB para el almacenamiento de usuarios y metadatos.
Nextcloud ofrece herramientas de supervisión incorporadas y se integra con las herramientas existentes de MDM, DLP, registro de eventos y copias de seguridad, lo que permite utilizar las cadenas de herramientas existentes para supervisar, hacer copias de seguridad y restaurar los sistemas
Departamento IT en control
Nextcloud aprovecha las tecnologías de almacenamiento de datos y bases de datos existentes, de modo que las políticas de seguridad y los procesos de gobernanza actuales pueden seguir utilizándose para gestionar, controlar y asegurar las operaciones con Nextcloud. Su departamento de TI tiene todo el control.
Estudios de casos de seguridad
Revisión de seguridad del Grupo NCC
Nextcloud entiende la necesidad de proporcionar los requisitos básicos de seguridad, por lo que Nextcloud 11 se basa en estos principios de seguridad para ofrecer una solución segura a sus clientes
Auditoría del código de la nube por parte de Swiss Kyos
La segunda ciudad más grande de Suiza, Ginebra, contrató a la empresa suiza de seguridad informática Kyos para que auditara la base de código de Nextcloud que utilizan.
Passive security measures
Besides active security measures like authentication and encryption, Nextcloud protects your data without any need for administrator action
Brute force protection
Rate limiting
Machine learning based suspicious login detection
Security hardening
Nextcloud employs a wide variety of extra security hardening capabilities, including:
Content Security Policy 3.0
CSP is a HTTP feature that allows the server to set specific restrictions on a resource when opened in a browser. Such as only allowing to load images or JavaScript from specific targets.
CSP 3.0 is the latest, most strict version of the standard, increasing the barrier for attackers to exploit a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability.
Same-Site Cookies
Same-Site cookies are a security measure supported by modern browsers that prevent CSRF vulnerabilities and protect your privacy further. Nextcloud enforces the same-site cookies to be present on every request by enforcing this within the request middle ware.
We include the __Host prefix to the cookie (if supported by browser and server). This mitigates cookie injection vulnerabilities within potential third-party software sharing the same second level domain.
Password security enforcement
Password security is extremely important and Nextcloud follows the latest and most strict standards.
We go beyond these standards, checking passwords against the database of compromised accounts and passwords from well known security researcher Troy Hunt. This optional but highly recommended feature ensures users can not reuse a password which has been compromised on another website already. Read our blog to learn how this feature protects your users.
Protected sharing
For Nextcloud customers, securely exchanging data is key. Nextcloud offers industry standard protection mechanisms and adds innovative and unique capabilities like Video Verification.
Securing shared links
Nextcloud features industry-leading protection for file shares.
- Share password
- Expiration date
- Access rights (Read/Write, re-sharing)
- Hide Download (Secure View)
- Hide file listing (File Drop)
- File Access Control
- Video Verification
- Administrators can set defaults or enforce these options.
Video verification
In situations where extreme security is warranted and the identity of a recipient has to be verified with absolute certainty before they are granted access, Nextcloud includes the industry-first implementation of Video Verification.
Video Verification enforces a Nextcloud Talk video call before access is given to a share, making sure the identity of the recipient is properly checked. The call can be picked up through the Nextcloud Talk Mobile apps as well as the web interface.
Remote wipe
While Nextcloud supports Mobile Device Management solutions, thanks to build-in support, remote wipe will work on systems not under management of the company. This is useful for home users but also large universities and of course in a scenario where guest accounts were handed to a third party. If you permit downloading of documents by the third party, you can wipe the documents from their devices when the the collaboration has ended.
Remote wipe can be used on a per-device basis by users and on a per-user base by the administrator.
Virtual data room
En configuraciones donde se necesita un firewall entre departamentos u organziaciones sin impedir una colaboración sencilla y eficiente, se puede configurar un Espacio virtual de datos. Nextcloud ofrece un amplio rango de características únicas para esto y su naturaleza (en las instalaciones) ofrece una confidencialidad y control sin parangón).
Recuperar el control
Proteja sus datos y su comunicación con la plataforma líder en colaboración de contenidos. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para saber cómo podemos ayudarle.