Nextcloud Community Conference Program 2024: Keynotes, panel sessions, live podcast & more!
As the #NextcloudConf24 is just around the corner, we would like to additionally present you with the full program for the weekend. From our keynote speakers and panelists, to live podcasting, lightning talks and workshops, we have a full agenda booked that we cannot wait to experience with you!

Keynote speakers
Whether you’re intrigued to learn more about mass surveillance and data privacy from Dr. Constanze Kurz or European technological sovereignty by Prof. Björn Lundell, you are sure to gain new insights.
On Saturday, September 14th at 10AM, we will kickoff the event with a special keynote announcement on Hub 9 by the Nextcloud team followed by the other keynote speakers.
Live podcasting session
On Saturday, September 14th, you will have the opportunity to listen to our live podcasting session with Björn Lundell and Brent Gervais as they deep dive in a fruitful conversation about the open source in the public sector, public procurement, digital government and other topics.
Panel session – How to contribute?
Nextcloud wouldn’t be where it is without the community of contributors 💙
On Sunday, September 15th, join Nimisha Vijay, designer at Nextcloud, as she puts the spotlight on 3 contributor stories from Nextcloud’s vibrant community.
Lightning talks
On both Saturday and Sunday of our Nextcloud Community Conference weekend, we will host our famous Lightning Talks!
Lightning talks are ~5 minute talks covering a wide range of topics from how to build an app to topics on data privacy.