Nextcloud Conference Program 2023: Keynotes, panel sessions & more!
As the Conference is fast approaching, we would like to additionally present you with the full program for the weekend. From our keynote speakers and panelists, to lightning talks and workshops, we have a full agenda booked that we cannot wait to experience with you!

Keynote speakers
Nextcloud is pleased to welcome the following keynote speakers at our Conference.
Whether you’re intrigued to learn more about European data privacy law from Max Schrems, digital sustainability from consultant Katrin Fritsch or about open source from computer scientist Simon Phipps, you are sure to gain new insights.
On Saturday, September 16th at 10 am, we will kickoff the event with a special keynote announcement by the Nextcloud team followed by the other keynote speakers.
Panel Sessions
In addition to our wonderful keynote speakers, we also have a board of panelists.
Day 1: Trust, transparency, together
On Saturday, September 16th, you will have an opportunity to listen to our first panel session called “Trust, transparency, together.” The moderator of the panel will be our Nextclouder and podcaster Brent Gervais, and our panelists include: Max Schrems, data privacy activist and lawyer, Katrin Fritsch, researcher & consultant, and Daphne Muller, privacy researcher and advocate. You can find more information about this panel session and the speakers here.
Day 2: How to contribute?
On Sunday, September 17th, we will continue with our second panel “How to contribute?” The moderator (and one of the panelists) will be Nimisha Vijay, UX Designer at Nextcloud and the panelists include: James Sundquist, avid Nextcloud contributor and Marcel Scherello, Sales Engineer at Nextcloud. You can find more information about this panel session and the speakers here.
Lightning Talks
On both Saturday and Sunday of our Nextcloud Conference weekend, we will host our famous Lightning Talks!
Lightning Talks are ~5 minute talks covering a wide range of topics from how to build an app to topics on data privacy.
After the Lightning Talks on both days, we host 1 hour long workshops so you can learn a new skill or get motivated! From what it takes to actually to build your own app or contribute to Collabora Online (Nextcloud Office), you will get to participate at the conference in a more hands on way!
If you want more information on specific details of the day, like how to get to the venue and what to bring, refer to our All you need to know blog post!
See you there!
We look forward to meeting you!
Be sure to use the hashtag #NextcloudConf on all your social media platforms to spread the word and share your experience! 💙
Not able to join us in person? We’re inviting you to sign up for remote participation and join the livestream!
Join us!